Lucretia and Joseph Brown Elementary School Project

Project Update - Week of July 20th 2020

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Please see below project update for the Marblehead Elementary School:

  • Continue with bulk ledge excavation on the North end of the new building footprint and is scheduled to continue and complete this week.  Note this activity will require the use of a hammer drill at irregular intervals to break-up larger rocks/boulders for export and/or potential high spots of ledge that need to be taken down to support the building design. 
  • Commence with site prep, fills and grading on the South end of the project site to support the construction of the new parking lot area.
  • Continue with excavation and prep for concrete foundations on the South & North ends of the building footprint (Areas A,B,C).  
  • Continue with footing and foundation wall construction from the South to North end of the building footprint (Area A+B).
  • The second concrete foundation to continue with footing construction of the retaining wall from the West to East end of the building footprint (Area B-C).
  • Commence back-fill operations within the building footprint on the South end of the building (Area A).  Back-fill materials are currently onsite and will be transported within the project fence line to the appropriate work areas.  The use of vibratory compaction equipment will be used throughout this work activity. 
  • The last major rebar delivery for the concrete foundation scope of work is scheduled to arrive on Monday 7/20/20.
  • There are three concrete placements tentatively scheduled for this week; Tuesday 7/21/20, Wednesday 7/22/20 and Friday 7/24/20.

Project Update - Week of July 13th 2020

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2132 Article rating: No rating

Please see below project update for the Elbridge Gerry Elementary School:

  • Continue with site prep and fills using onsite material at the South & West areas of the project site. 
  • Continue with bulk ledge excavation and export (trucking) the ledge materials offsite.  The excavation will occur on the North end of the new building footprint and is scheduled to continue and complete this week.  Note this activity will require the use of a hammer drill at irregular intervals to break-up larger rocks/boulders for export and/or potential high spots of ledge that need to be taken down to support the building design. 
  • Continue with underground utility-drainage & water installation on the South end of the site.   
  • Continue with excavation and prep for concrete foundations on the South end of the building.  
  • Continue with footing and foundation wall construction from the South to North end of the building footprint.
  • The second concrete foundation crew mobilized on 7/13/20 and will begin construction of the building retaining wall foundation on the North end of the building.
  • There are three concrete placements tentatively scheduled for this week; Monday 7/13/20, Wednesday 7/15/20 and Friday 7/17/20.

Project Update - Week of July 7th 2020

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2123 Article rating: No rating

Please see below project update for the Elbridge Gerry Elementary School:

  • Continue with site prep and fills using onsite material at the South & West areas of the project site. 
  • Continue with bulk ledge excavation and export (trucking) the ledge materials offsite.  The excavation will occur on the North end of the new building footprint and is scheduled to continue and complete this week.  Note this activity will require the use of a hammer drill at irregular intervals to break-up larger rocks/boulders for export and/or potential high spots of ledge that need to be taken down to support the building design. 
  • Commence with underground utility-drainage installation on the South end of the site.   
  • Continue with excavation and prep for concrete foundations on the South end of the building.  
  • The concrete foundation contractor has mobilized and began forming foundations on the South end of the building.  Footing and Foundation wall construction is being constructed from the South to North end of the building footprint.
  • There are three concrete placements tentatively scheduled for this week; Wednesday 7/8/20, Thursday 7/9/20 and Friday 7/10/20.
  • The second concrete foundation crew is scheduled to mobilize the week of 7/13/20 to begin construction of the building retaining wall foundation on the North end of the building.

Project Update - Week of June 29th 2020

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2111 Article rating: No rating

Please see below project update for the Elbridge Gerry Elementary School:

  • Continue with site prep and fills using onsite material at the South & West areas of the project site. 
  • Continue with bulk ledge excavation and export (trucking) the ledge materials offsite.  The excavation will occur on the North end of the new building footprint and is scheduled to continue through the next two weeks of the project.  Note this activity will require the use of a hammer drill at irregular intervals to break-up larger rocks/boulders for export and/or potential high spots of ledge that need to be taken down to support the building design.    
  • Continue with excavation and prep for concrete foundations on the South end of the building.  This is in preparation for the concrete foundation contractor to mobilize on 7/6/20.
  • The concrete foundation contractor is scheduled to begin mobilizing materials and equipment onsite Wednesday through Friday of this week.
  • The first delivery of reinforcing steel for the concrete foundations is scheduled to be delivered on Monday 7/6/20.
  • The first concrete placement and associated trucking is tenatively scheduled for the week of 7/6/20.
  • Due to the 4th of July Holiday falling on a Saturday this year the project and it's trade partners will be working onsite Friday 7/3/20.    

Morning Equipment Departure - June 25, 2020

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2120 Article rating: No rating

The ground improvement activities are scheduled to be completed Wednesday 6/24/20.  The contractor will begin demobilizing the equipment Wednesday 6/24 and preparing it for transport on Thursday morning 6/25.  Please see below detailed schedule of activites for these two days:

  • Wednesday - 6/24/20 
    • Demobilize support equipment and materials.
    • Once ground improvement activities have been completed that day the pier driving rig will be dismantled and loaded for transport.  This is to support a pick-up and exit with the equipment on Thursday morning; there will not be any loading of equipment on Thursday morning.


  • Thursday - 6/25/20
    • Transport personnel & truck will be onsite by 5:30AM to hook-up to the trailer for transport.  The transport truck will enter the project site via Gate B, hook-up to the trailer and exit the project via Gate C to West Shore Drive to Route 114.


This morning equipment departure has been communicated and coordinated with the Marblehead Police Department.    


Theme picker