Lucretia and Joseph Brown Elementary School Project

Saturday Work - 9/25/21

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The project will be working on the site this Saturday 9/25/21.  Activities will consist of the following:

  • Painting contractor will be finish painting the Entry Lobby and Cafeteria corridor and punchlist items in Area A/B.
  • Millwork contractor will be working on millwork revisions in the second and first floor corridors in Area A/B.
  • Balancing contractor will be completing the water balancing effort for the entire building.

This weekend work schedule has been communicated and coordinated with both the Marblehead Building Department & Police Department.

Project Update - Week of 9/20/21

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2278 Article rating: 1.2

Please see below project update for the Marblehead Elementary School: 

  • Remaining flooring wall base and misc flooring punchlist items shall complete this week. 
  • The painting contractor is continuing with final paint activities on the first levels of Area B & C.
  • The millwork contractor is staining and finishing all of the handrail caps in the corridors, stairwells and Main Lobby areas.
  • Final cleaning activities will continue in the Main Lobby, Kitchen and corridor spaces in Areas B & C.   
  • Water balancing activities will continue and complete this week for the building.
  • Irrigation installation is continuing on the North side of the project site.  The Sod deliveries will continue this week; Monday will offload from Baldwin Road to allow installation to continue at areas directly adjacent to Baldwin Road.   
  • Installation of chain link fencing at the Pre-K playground area located on the South elevation of the building shall commence on Wednesday 9/22.
  • Spreading top soil at the athletic field shall commence this week followed by the installation of sod materials.
  • The site contractor shall commence final paving on Monday 9/20 and complete Tuesday 9/21.  Project vehicle parking shall return to parking onsite Wednesday 9/22.
  • The project's final inspections are scheduled as follows; Plumbing-Monday 9/20, Electrical-Wednesday 9/22 and Building-Friday 9/24.    

Saturday Work - 9/18/21

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2225 Article rating: No rating

The project will be working on the site this Saturday 9/18/21.  Activities will consist of the following:

  • Flooring contractor will be continuing with floor seam welding in the corridors on the first floor of the building.
  • Painting contractor will be finish painting the Main Lobby and Entry area and punchlist items in Area A/B.
  • Waterproofing contractor will be caulking exterior sidewalk joints.
  • Plumbing contractor will prep and paint the gas main lines on the exterior of the building.
  • Window Shade contractor continue with installation of motorized shades in the cafeteria.

This weekend work schedule has been communicated and coordinated with both the Marblehead Building Department & Police Department.

Revised Project Vehicle Parking Plan - 9/16, 9/20, 9/21

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2291 Article rating: No rating

The project is currently scheduled to prep and final pave the project site over a three day period starting on Friday 9/17, Monday 9/20 and Tuesday 9/21.  To support these work activities project vehicles will need to park outside of the project limits in the surrounding neighborhood during this period of time.

The project has developed the attached parking logicstics plan to help illustrate the location and streets the project vehicles will be parking on during this period of time.  The project will have monitors in the neighborhood each morning to ensure this plan is being followed.

This plan has been communicated and approved by the Marblehead Police Department.  Please see attached logicstics plan by clicking the "Read More" button for further information.    

Project Update - Week of September 13th 2021

egschooladm egschooladm 0 2283 Article rating: No rating

Please see below project update for the Marblehead Elementary School: 

  • Carpet installation is continuing & completing the walk-off entry mats in the vestibule and entry/exits points at the building.  Remaining wall base shall continue and complete this week. 
  • The painting contractor is continuing with final paint activities on the second and first levels of Area A/B.
  • The millwork contractor is completing the installation of the handrail caps at the stairwells in the Main Lobby.
  • Final cleaning activities will continue in the first floor corridors and Main Lobby in Area A/B and exterior windows.  
  • The ceiling contractor shall complete the installation of the specialty ceilings in the main entry vestibule.
  • The misc metals contractor is scheduled to complete the remaining stainless steel handrail at Stair #2 this week. 
  • Pre-testing of the fire alarm system is on-going.  The final fire alarm test and inspection with the Town's Fire Department is scheduled for Friday 9/17 at 10AM.
  • The final elevator inspection with the State is scheduled for Tuesday 9/14 after 4:00PM
  • Irrigation installation is continuing on the North side of the project site.  Installation of heads and testing of the system on the South elevation shall commence on Monday 9/13.  The first delivery of sod materials is scheduled to arrive on-site Wednesday 9/15 and will be offloaded through Gate D adjacent to Baldwin Road and Gate C adjacent to Dartmouth Road.  
  • Installation of chain link fencing is continuing on the North elevation of the project site. 
  • Sub-grade prep at the athletic field is continuing this week followed by the spreading of top-soil in this area.
  • Landscape site accessories have begun delivery to the site and will continue through the week.  Installation and setting of these items will continue through out the week. 
  • The site contractor shall commence with final cleaning of the roadways and parking areas on Thursday and Friday of this week.  This is support final paving activities scheduled for Monday 9/20 and Tuesday 9/21.  

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